
Whole wheat Sandwich Bread 2

Makes 2 loaves

1/2 cup lukewarm water

1/2 cup chocolate milk

1/2 tsp Active Dry yeast

1 tsp salt

40 ml honey

5 tsp oil

125g all purpose flour

150g whole wheat flour

chocolate chips


Let it rise at room temp. for 2 hours, the dough will be double in size. 

Put some chocolate chips while folding

Put the dough into a grease loaf pan, cover with a damp towel

Leave it at room temp for 1 hour, the dough 's size will enlarge by 2/3

Sprinkle on the top of the loaf with whole wheat flour and make slash


Bake at 175 C for 50 min.


Reference : Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day 

- 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread page 76 

