
Moments to Remember

今早忽然看到辦公桌上的月曆, 六月份的這一塊寫著 :-
I’m not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today
很有意思的句子! 可惜今天才在抬面上的某個角落發現它,
明天過後, 它將變成歷史
不知不覺, 2011年已過了一半
在工, 已無突破, 回頭也太難
在私, 亦沒有甚麼特別要記著的愉快時光
平淡是福, 尤其是活到這年紀, 過激, 受不了
幸好, 存在腦海的記憶, 在年少無知時儲起了的, 也堪回味

"Moments To Remember"1955
(January to December)
(We'll have moments to remember)
The New Year's Eve we did the town
The day we tore the goal post down
We will have these moments to remember
The quiet walks, the noisy fun
The ballroom prize we almost won
We will have these moments to remember
Though summer turns to winter
And the present disappears
The laughter we were glad to share
Will echo through the years
When other nights and other days
May find us gone our separate ways
We will have these moments to remember
(The drive in movie where we'd go)
(And somehow never watched the show)
We will have these moments to remember
Though summer turns to winter
And the present disappears
The laughter we were glad to share
Will echo through the years
When other nights and other days
May find us gone our separate ways
We will have these moments to remember




<  攝於 2011-6-20, 7:25pm  >
noise 比較多, 反而有油畫 feel     
記得上年也有一輯我很喜歡的日落相片及歌曲 Sunrise Sunset : 滿室朝陽
光污染 : -
1.左紅色箭咀 : 星光行的頭頂, 快轉的走馬燈箱
2.右紅色箭咀 : 大型廣告燈箱, 好像是位女 model 在賣名表廣告
它們可能將會被遮擋, 看, 黃色箭咀物體正在掘起
" 凡事都要從好嗰方面諗 "
我又做白老鼠, 樂意之至!
若稱這個新搞作為"百感交集", 相信沒有人會想要它
唔.... "百般芝味", GOOD!
面層 : wasabi 味 cheese cake
中間層 : 香蕉味 cheese cake 
下層 : 正常味 cheese cake (最正常!)
Oreo 脆底 (正!)


Hello Dollies

Well, hello dollies! The astonishing collection of antiques worth a whopping £1.23m that fills a house

  • Massive range includes dolls of Henry VIII and his six wives to opium smuggling figurine from the 1880s
  • Owner claims: 'We even bought a bigger house so that we could store them all!'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2006923/Well-hello-dollies-Astonishing-collection-worth-whopping-1-23m-fills-house.html#ixzz1QRM03yk9

Kathy Libraty is barely visible hidden amongst her astonishing collection of antique dolls - worth an astonishing £1.23million.

Almost every inch of the 52-year-old's home in Brooklyn, New York, is filled by the hoard of more than 1,000 figurines which she has been collecting for over 25 years.

She is so obsessed with dolls she has resorted to smuggling any new additions to the rapidly extending collection past her long-suffering husband Frank  who has forbidden her to buy any more.

Blending in: Kathy Libraty and daughter Elisa with just some of the massive collection of antique dolls

But despite his objections, Frank, 52, along with daughter Elisa, get roped in to helping her repair and organise the vast assortment.

Kathy's dolls - ranging from 2in to over 3ft high - come from all over the world including countries like Germany, France and the Far East. Some individual models are over 170 years old and range in cost from 60p to £30,000.

Some of her favourites include figures of Henry VIII and his six wives, Victorian dolls from the 1900s, voodoo dolls, and even some from the 1880s which were used to smuggle opium.

They're everywhere: A sideboard packed with yet more figurines

Two of Kathy's favourites: A Chinese opera doll from the late 19th century  

and a German antique black and white from around 1900

Kathy said: 'It all started over 25 years ago when I found an antique doll discarded in a dumpster.

'My husband and I were driving through our neighbourhood and came upon an old house that was having it's antique contents cleared out.

'It looked like there were some really valuable and interesting old treasures just being scrapped, so we asked if we could keep anything we liked. A few boxes contained old dolls and doll clothes and I decided to keep and restore them.'

Once she had 'the bug' Kathy's collection grew and grew.

And it eventually became work for her as she started her company kathylibratysdolls.com.

A family affair: A range of all-bisque dolls made by the German manufacturer Kestner between 1895-1910. Each figure is worth between £600 and £750

In her pursuit for yet more dolls, devoted Kathy has travelled more than 100,000 miles on trips between America and Europe - where most of the dolls were made.

She added: 'I began restoring many of the dolls I acquired through auctions I'd travel around the world for.'

'Some I would restore and then sell to other collectors. Others I just fell in love with and had to add to my personal collection at home.

'My daughter loves the dolls too and she will inherit everything.

'It got to a point where I was sneaking them in past Frank because we were running out of room. We even bought a bigger house so that we could store them all.

'But I just couldn't part with some.'

That's some dolls' house: Kathy and husband Frank needed to buy a new home in order to store the ever-expanding collection

Kathy sorts her new arrivals at home and seeks out clothing and accessories to try and make the antiques as close to their original forms as possible.

She uses an extensive library of books and catalogues to help her find the correct fashions and accessories for the different periods in which the dolls were made.

Some items, like shoes and wigs - made from real hair - can cost as much as £1,000.

Her personal collection is stored in different rooms around her large home. New arrivals go first to her triage room where she sorts them according to style and determines what work they need.

If they need repairing she moves them to the attic workshop where Frank helps to repair broken limbs and other damages.

Over the years she has built up a huge array of spare parts including wigs, body parts and hand-blown glass eyes made in France and Germany.

Later Kathy either auctions them through her website - helped by daughter Elisa - or adds them to her colossal private reserve.



Ruby Tuesday

上月份, 某小姐生日撞啱星期六,
吓, 等我???
結果, 粗粗地, 去咗呢處

service 仲好到痺,有個小妹妹 waitress 專人侍候
“請問 Sangria, 要白酒定紅酒?”
“Sangria唔係用白酒嘅咩, 點解會有用紅酒咁怪?”
“係, 係, 應該係嘅”一面尷尬樣

嘩, 見到啲dishes嚟齊, 嚇到面青,
佢應該要有溫馨提示-we serve American size

ribs, 正, 招牌菜, 一定要點!

↓ 田園沙律


↓ 右邊件炸芝士最正

結果甜品都叫唔到, 生日應該要甜吓加嘛
↓  仲有脆底, 好好味呀



My Cup Runneth Over / 苦酒滿杯

My Cup Runneth Over is witten by Harvey Schmidt with lyrics by Tom Jones, featured in the 1966 Broadway musical, I Do! I Do!, which starred Robert Preston and Mary Martin. The most popular recording of the song was made by Ed Ames in 1967, which was a #8 pop and #1 AC hit in the United States
Ed Ames  (born Edmund Dantes Urick on July 9, 1927)  is an American popular singer and actor. He is best known for his pop and adult contemporary hits of the 1960s like "When the Snow is on the Roses" and the perennial "My Cup Runneth Over." He was part of a popular 1950s singing group called The Ames Brothers.
My Cup Runneth Over (1967)
by Ed Ames
Sometimes in the mornin' when shadows are deep
I lie here beside you just watching you sleep
And sometimes I whisper what I'm thinking of
My cup runneth over with love

Sometimes in the evening when you do not see
I study the small things you do constantly
I memorize moments that I'm fondest of
My cup runneth over with love

In only a moment we both will be old
We won't even notice the world turning cold
And so, in these moments with sunlight above
My cup runneth over with love
My cup runneth over with love
With love
差不多半世紀過去, 已是八十多歲的 Ed Ames :-
My Cup Runneth Over 出自詩篇 23篇, 中文譯作"福杯滿溢" 這首歌名可理解是"幸福滿瀉"
1979年, 有廣東話版本關正傑的這一首冧女情歌
您要的是, 逝水長流的感情? 亦或是像花火般燦爛卻一的愛情?

關正傑 - 是誰沉醉 1979
: Tom Jones / Harvey Schmidt
詞 : 盧國沾

柔軟冷風吹送 令你靠緊我



笑問懷裡是誰沉醉 是誰沉醉
   又想一首國語時代曲"苦酒滿杯", 苦酒傷身!
苦酒滿杯 (1968)
 作詞: 慎芝
作曲: 姚讚福

人說酒能消人愁 為什麼飲盡美酒還是不解愁
杯底幻影總是夢中人 何處去尋找他 
我還是再斟上 苦酒滿杯

我說酒更添人愁 為什麼分不清楚是酒還是淚
腮邊淚痕總是不會乾 讓它去淚滂沱 
我還是再斟上 苦酒滿杯
莫說飲酒不知愁 為什麼它有甜蜜也有苦傷悲
酒和人生總是分不開 讓我去沉醉吧 
我還是再斟上 苦酒滿杯

   "苦酒滿杯"原唱者是謝雷, 連他也戴著假髮重踏舞台, 黃清元, 您去咗邊?


A Dear John Letter

"A Dear John letter" 從第二次世界大戰起, 成了分手信的代名詞, 意念來自美國慣用俚語。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dear_John_letter

1965年有一首大熱的歌曲 - A Dear John letter, Skeeter Davis 主唱,Bobby Bare 獨白 : -

2010 年有一出在美國票房排行榜冠軍的電影 : -

Dear John (最後一封情書http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0989757/

話說未看電影前, 某天在客廳的某一角, 看到這本中譯小說, 抱著有响處就唔好嘥嘅心態, 就即刻拎上手細讀, 因此, 我對於男主角的童年及成長過程, 有了基本概念, 才去看電影

John的母親在他還很小的時候就離開了他, 打一份安安穩穩政府工(在郵局裡工作)的父親, 工餘時間就是埋首於他收集的古錢幣上, 像有自閉症似的活在自己的世界裡, 隔離自己遠離人群, 不和任何人打交道, weekdays 的晚餐會吃同一款東西, 每個週末是焗意粉, 父子倆甚少交談, 整個晚上, 這個家都是寂靜的, 直到有一天, 父子吵大鑊, John 一怒之下從軍

小說中, 關於父與子的相處及心理狀態, 描述得很詳盡細緻, 很吸引我一口氣看了這一段, 可惜礙於我的看書習慣 (The madman 瘋子, 下半 part), 剛看到男女主角相遇, 相愛, 相分時, 已沒有看下去

看畢這書的台灣朋友們, 覺得書好看得多, 電影很不濟, 以下是他們的評語 :-

~ 看完電影對於很多地方感到很訝異和不能理解, 小說好像不是這樣寫的吧 !?

~ 編劇對於人物也被亂改一通,電影最失敗的一點就是, 兩個人的背景沒有交代, 要讓觀眾看一個故事, 男女主角來歷不清...這要怎麼讓人入戲勒 !? 甚至該怎麼讓人感動我都不知道勒, 因為凡事都有原因的, 不能就是憑空冒出兩個人然後說...他是男主角是個軍人 / 她是女主角是個學生, 就這麼的演下來吧...... = ="

~ 我為什麼我會覺得電影不好看? 是因為整部電影已到了無病呻吟的地步了

~ 因此我推薦這個故事的小說 " Dear John ", 但不推薦電影, 電影毀了原本應該有的味道

~ 作者Nicholas Sparks的小說其實很多地方可以慢慢品味! 他的風格就是這樣, 我很喜歡他寫的人物對話,很輕鬆自然,有的時候很好笑 XD

書評: http://addons.books.com.tw/G/ADbanner/2007/12/071231dearjohn/index.htm

這部片我要分開多次才把它捱完, 個人觀感是, 電影較專注於男女感情事上, 從它選型男美女 (but not my cup of tea, my taste 係比較另類, 連這個 SELLING POINT 都吸引唔到我, 所以係'捱'住咁去) 作男女主角更加証明這只是一部“綽頭片”, 老梗劇情, 粵語片式的大團圓結局

看過台灣網友的評語, 原來小說和電影是很不一樣的, 我會的起心肝, 第一:找出書本, 第二:空出腦袋, 第三:將未完成的, 全部完完整整的吞下去, 當然要一路咬住薯片送口咁喇

更想提提 Nicholas Sparks 的另一本小說 The Notebook, 在 2004 年時拍成電影, 很感人而且故事很完整, 可能是比較忠於原著的關係, 這出電影我非常喜歡, 看了很多次, 有一次在亞視英文台播出時, 又多看了一次

大發現, 聽咗 Skeeter Davis 個版本十幾廿年, 原來這兩位才是原唱者 :- 

(Photos: Jean with late Skeeter Davis & Jean with her late husband, Hawkshaw Hawkins and their baby.)


~ Jean Shepard & Ferlin Husky

Dear John, oh how I hate to write
Dear John, I must let you know tonight
That my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn
And tonight I wed another, Dear John

I was overseas in battle when the postman came to me
And he handed me a letter, I was as happy as I could be
For the fighting was all over and the battle had been won
Then I opened up the letter and it started "Dear John..."

Will you please send back my picture, my husband wants it now
When I tell you who I'm wedding, you won't care dear, anyhow
Now the ceremony has started and I'll wed your brother, Don
Will you wish us happiness forever, Dear John

原來仲有下集架 :-


~ Jean Shepard & Ferlin Husky

Forgive me, John but I don't love your brother
I realize now that you're the only one
Write and tell me dear, that you'll still have me
If I undo the awful wrong I've done

I'll try to answer your letter the best that I know how
The way I feel about you, honey, really doesn't matter now
As you know, the boys will be coming home soon
To be with their wives and their Maw and Paw
I'd like to come home, I'd like to see you
As a wife, but not as a sister-in-law

You're asking me to do something I can't do
It's hard to explain, but can't you see
My brother loves you, I reckon as much as I do
And he married you, and I could never do him like he done me
But I wish you happiness forever
May you make him a true and loving wife
There's nothing for me to come home for now
So I'll re-enlist and live my lonely soldier's life

大半世紀(=大半世人)過去, 兩位老人家還可以排排坐, 再一次合唱當年的歌曲, 感動!

Jean Shepard & Ferlin Husky - Dear John "LIVE" (這個要全手動過去 youtube 睇) :-

關於去咗當兵, 女友嫁咗畀自己兄弟嘅電影仲有 1956Elvis Presley 呢一出 Love Me Tender, 也是 Elvis Presley 出演的第一出電影