
Boule with raisin and walnut 3

Boule with raisin and walnut 3 medium size

1 cup lukewarm water

1/2 tsp Active Dry yeast

1 tsp salt

220g all purpose flour

50g whole wheat flour


Let it rise at room temp. for 2 hours, the dough will be double in size.

The dough can handle easily even not refrigerate.

Use a pair of scissors to cut 1/3 portion out

Put some raisin and walnut while folding

Leave it at room temp for 40 min. uncovered

the dough 's size will enlarge just a little bit

Sprinkle on the top of the loaf with flour and slash a cross 

Bake at 230 C for 30 min.

Reference : Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day 

-         The Master Receipe : Boule page 26


買唔到unbleached flour 嚟做呢種基本包今次試下

高粉110g+低粉110g+全麥麵粉50g, 果然好掂

