


Moscow State University is the oldest and largest university in Russia.
Russian Empress Elizabeth decreed its creation on January 25, 1755.
Today, January 25 is still celebrated as Students' Day in Russia.


Since 1953, most of the faculties have been situated on Sparrow Hills. The main building was designed by architect LevVladimirovich Rudnev. In the post-war era, Joseph Stalin ordered seven huge tiered neoclassic towers to be built around the city. It was built using Gulagor slave labour, as were many of Stalin's Great Construction Projects in Russia.The MSU main building was the tallest building in the world outside of New York City at the time of its construction, and remained the tallest building in Europe until 1990. The central tower is 240 m tall, 36 stories high, and flanked by four huge wings of student and faculty accommodations. It is said to contain a total of 33 kilometers of corridors and 5,000 rooms.

▼ 頂部的紅星包含一間小屋和一個展望台,重12噸。

▼ 麻雀山,1935年至1999年間稱為列寧山,海拔高度為220米,是莫斯科市的最高點。


▼ 盧日尼基體育場

▼ 跳台

▼ 基督教教堂三位一體教堂

▼ 在某間酒店頂樓的印度餐廳進餐,


▼ 隔著玻璃外望,

▼ 可看到莫斯科大學範圍有多廣啊!
