



The Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange and Rostral Columns, located in Saint Petersburg by the Neva River, are significant examples of Greek Revival architecture.

Designed by French architect Thomas de Thomon, and inspired by the Greek Temple of Hera at Paestum, the stock exchange was constructed between 1805 and 1810. The rostral columns erected on either side of the Stock Exchange were completed in 1811.

Opposite the exchange building on the Neva, de Thomon designed a semicircular overlook with circular ramps descending to a jetty projecting into the river. This formal approach, is framed by two rostral columns centered on the portico of the Stock Exchange. The Doric columns sit on a granite plinth and are constructed of brick coated with a deep terra cotta red stucco and decorated with bronze anchors and four pairs of bronze ship prows (rostra). Seated marble figures decorate the base of each column each representing the major rivers of Russia — the Volga and Dnieper at the northern Rostral Column, Neva and Volkhov at the southern one. The Rostral Columns were originally intended to serve as beacons and originally were topped by a light in the form of a Greek brazier and lit by oil. The braziers have been removed and the tops of the columns refitted with gas torches that continue to be lit on ceremonial occasions.



柱子底座上有4 座約5公尺高的雕像,代表俄羅斯的4條主要河流—沃爾霍夫河(Volkhov)、涅瓦河(Neva)、第聶伯河(Dnieper)及伏爾加河(Volga)。過往以油燃起的火光現在已改用瓦斯點火,而且只在某些特定節日才會燃亮。

