

最早在1712年5月30日、彼得大帝生日的這一天,他下令興建一座木造教堂,數年後請來瑞士籍的建築師多明尼哥‧特列辛尼(Domenico Trezzini)重新在原址建造石造的大教堂,才有了現在這個巴洛克式宏偉的建築。教堂上高122米的尖頂鐘樓,亦為全城最高的建築物。

The Peter and Paul Cathedral marked a radical departure from traditional Orthodox churches, being built in early Baroque style. Its rectangular shape, bell-tower, and landmark needle are all features borrowed from the protestant churches of Western Europe - the influence of Dutch architecture is particularly visible - all of which was in accordance with Peter's wishes.

可惜的是,彼得大帝一直到1725年去世之前,都還不能見到教堂完工的樣子,甚至連他的棺木都必須遷就教堂興建工程,暫時擱置在一邊,直到1731年 5 月才下葬, 1733 年教堂終於完工。


▼ Angel weather-vane on the spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral

The cathedral's rectangular base stretches from southwest to northeast, and its walls are formed with decorative pilasters and ornate cherub heads on the windows. The multi-tiered cathedral bell tower is crowned with a landmark needle, upholstered with copper gilded sheets. The needle, built by Dutchman German von Bolis, is topped off by the figure of a flying angel bearing a cross. The clock for the bell tower was delivered in 1720 from Holland where it was purchased for 45,000 rubles - a huge sum for the time.

▼ A clock and an image of a cherub at the Peter and Paul Cathedral

▼ Central altar gate of the Peter and Paul Cathedral
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The inside of the cathedral holds a fantastic iconostasis, completed by a group of more than forty Moscow architects under Ivan Zarudny from 1722-1727. Whereas the architectural style of the cathedral is similar in style to the Lutheran church, the painting of the iconostasis is more in the spirit of Catholic Church icons. The walls of the cathedral are also embellished with paintings of various bible themes, including many paintings of gospel stories by artists of the early and mid 18th century.
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▼ 教堂內放置了許多為羅曼諾夫王朝沙皇和皇后的白色大理石棺,共32座,最右為彼得大帝的棺木。

One major attraction is the graves of most of the Romanov rulers of Russia from Peter the Great onward. Peter's grave is at the front right, and people still leave fresh flowers on it.

▼ 教堂入口右手邊的聖凱瑟琳小教堂內,有末代沙皇尼古拉二世和妻子、三個孩子、四位僕伺等一家人的墓碑,引來不少同情。由於尼古拉二世去世前已宣布放棄王位,是否已是平民身份惹起一番爭議。這幾位被屠殺的羅曼諾夫末代皇室成員,遺體遲至1998年才被運送來此安葬及另自安放在此小側室中。

Also here are both Catherines, Elizabeth, all three Alexanders, Paul, Peter III, Anne - and now both Nicholases as well, as the remains of Nicholas II and his family were re-interred in the small Chapel of St. Catherine on July 17, 1998.
