
Moments to Remember

今早忽然看到辦公桌上的月曆, 六月份的這一塊寫著 :-
I’m not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today
很有意思的句子! 可惜今天才在抬面上的某個角落發現它,
明天過後, 它將變成歷史
不知不覺, 2011年已過了一半
在工, 已無突破, 回頭也太難
在私, 亦沒有甚麼特別要記著的愉快時光
平淡是福, 尤其是活到這年紀, 過激, 受不了
幸好, 存在腦海的記憶, 在年少無知時儲起了的, 也堪回味

"Moments To Remember"1955
(January to December)
(We'll have moments to remember)
The New Year's Eve we did the town
The day we tore the goal post down
We will have these moments to remember
The quiet walks, the noisy fun
The ballroom prize we almost won
We will have these moments to remember
Though summer turns to winter
And the present disappears
The laughter we were glad to share
Will echo through the years
When other nights and other days
May find us gone our separate ways
We will have these moments to remember
(The drive in movie where we'd go)
(And somehow never watched the show)
We will have these moments to remember
Though summer turns to winter
And the present disappears
The laughter we were glad to share
Will echo through the years
When other nights and other days
May find us gone our separate ways
We will have these moments to remember


