

Jamie Livingstone's one Polaroid a day


Jamie Livingstone's daily Polaroid collection is incredible. Just the number of them is amazing; while some have gone missing, 6,697 remain in the collection. Livingstone, born in 1956, was a New York photographer, film-maker and circus performer who decided in 1979 to take a random or not so random Polaroid every day to document his existence.
The photos are of friends, family, babies, strangers, graffiti, meals, landscapes; everything and anything that Livingstone came across.
Towards the end of the collection, many of the photos are taken in hospitals as Livingstone battled terminal cancer. They are of him and his friends, flowers, the engagement ring he proposed to his fiance (and then wife) with, tubes, drips and all kinds of simple and heart-breaking images he saw until his death.
Livingstone's friends Hugh Crawford and Betsy Reid collected the photos and organised an exhibition of them so that others could share the funny, silly, sweet, odd and sad photos that tell almost an entire life story.
See all the remaining images at photooftheday.com

Jamie Livingstone's one Polaroid a day

生於 1956 Jamie, 自從1979年買了一部寶麗萊相機,

Jamie 就想到每日用它來拍攝一張照片,


他最後的拍攝, 是在醫院的癌症中心裡


寶麗萊人生   18年來每日一拍見盡人情



6,000多張照片記下美國紐約 18年的人與情。攝影師利文斯頓( Jamie Livingston),自 1979 3 31日起,拿着一部寶麗萊( Polaroid)相機,每日拍一張生活照,直至 1997 10 25日病逝, 18年來從未間斷。他的好友將這批「寶麗萊人生」照片放上網,吸睛能力超強。
年, 23歲的利文斯頓是一名大學生,買了一部寶麗萊相機。數周後,他靈機一閃,想到每日用寶麗萊拍攝一張照片,第一張於 3 31日拍攝,拍下女友和另一朋友。這份堅持,他從不間斷,拍攝對象更是多樣化,有他自己、有賣花婦人、女友、一人樂隊,還有歷史事件,像 1997 8 31日《紐約郵報》對英國威爾斯王妃戴安娜撞車身亡的頭版報道。

一張照片勝過千言萬語,利文斯頓過去 18年來拍攝的 6,000多張照片,除了訴說了他的人生故事,還映照出紐約如何由一個骯髒危險的城市,演變成繁榮清潔的大都會。 6,000多張照片的故事,最終以他於 1997 10 25 41歲生日當天被癌魔奪去生命的照片告終(圖)。
好友克勞福德說,利文斯頓非常固執,每日只會拍一張照片,即使再看見有更值得拍攝的畫面,都不再舉起相機。為紀念好友,克勞福德在利文斯頓逝世 10年後,以數碼相機拍下那批寶麗萊人生照片放上網,瀏覽的人多得讓網站多次當機。

在本港台的資訊節目香港百人, 水禾田嘉賓的那一集, 他說過 :拿著一枝破筆, 可以寫出很多好文章, 畫很多好的畫 ; 我只是用很簡單的相機, 希望拍攝到更多更多, 我心中的景象 . . . . .

是的, 不需刻意構圖, 介意畫面的美與否, 只要將你心中感到真實的景象拍下來, 就是寶貴的沙龍作品!

