1. 荒城の月 - 小鳩くるみ 2. 荒城の月 - 小林旭 3. La Luna – Sarah Brightman (2001)4. Moon River by Audrey Hepburn (1961) 5. Moon River by Andy Williams (1961)6. 但願人長久 – 鄧麗君 (1983)
「荒城の月」文部省唱歌、土井晩翠:詩、滝廉太郎:曲加藤まさを:絵、小鳩くるみ:歌。春高樓の花の宴めぐる盃 かげさして千代の松が枝 わけ出でし昔の光 いまいずこ 春滿樓閣 花間饗宴杯光交錯 談笑風聲千古松樹 月上枝頭過往景象 而今安在 秋陣営の霜の色鳴き行く雁の 数見せて植うる劔に 照りそひし昔の光 いまいずこ 颯秋陣營 髮霜容顏雁行千里 鳴聲不絕劍拔努張 刀光閃影往昔光輝 何處尋覓 今荒城の 夜半の月替わらぬ光 誰がためぞ垣に殘るは ただかつら松に歌ふは ただ嵐 今夕荒城 深夜殘月時光荏苒 往昔不在斷垣殘壁 藤葛密佈松林奏鳴 狂風勁疾 (天上影は変らねど榮古は移る 世の姿写さんとてか 今もなほ鳴呼荒城の 夜半の月) (天地運行 四季輾轉榮枯盛衰 世態輪迴浮光掠影 轉眼無蹤啊啊荒城 深夜殘月) 名列「廿世紀日本票選100首歌曲」第七名的「荒城之月」,是一首深具東洋情調的民謠經典。 1901年發表的「荒城之月」,最早載於日本明治時代五年制中學音樂課本中。 原來「荒城之月」是由當時東京音樂學校(今東京藝術大學音樂系)事先擬定的一個歌曲標題,向文學、教育界與音樂圈,徵求詩作與樂譜。 當時的著名詩人—土井晚翠(1871~1952) 接受了這份邀稿,以福島縣會津若松鶴城的舊城遺跡(會津藩的鶴ヶ城, 幕末戊辰戰爭的發生地點)為創作靈感,創作了四段優美哀悽的詩文,非常動人。如今舊城遺跡因「荒城之月」成為著名的觀光景點(通稱為青葉城遺址),斷柱殘垣的城堡位於海拔132公尺的青葉山頂,卻曾是當年伊達家族13代、長達二百七十年的根據地。舊城天守閣前,豎立有伊達政宗戎裝騎馬的銅像,可俯瞰仙台市全景並遠眺太平洋,當然於昭和27年在土井晚翠的出生地仙台城址建立的「荒城之月」詞碑與土井晚翠銅像也是旅客必訪之處。 ↓ 「荒城之月」詞碑 ↓ 土井晚翠銅像 ↓ 瀧廉太郎 (1879~1903) 主辦單位東京音樂學校在所有歌詞都已完成後,公開招募譜曲,其中「荒城之月」的曲調,瀧廉太郎(1879~1903)被選用了,他的創作靈感則源自他年少時期的故鄉,九州大分縣竹田市的岡城遺址,由於岡城位於狀似臥牛的丘陵上,又名「臥牛城」,明治初年遭毀,岡城遺址的公園內,立有瀧廉太郎的銅像和「荒城之月」詞碑,英年早逝的瀧廉太郎,辭世時年僅23歲,岡城遺址如今也成為許多旅客必訪景點,竹田車站也會在列車到站時,播送這首「荒城之月」名曲,讓人懷舊思古一番。 ↓ 大分県竹田市岡城 - 荒城の月紀念碑 現在一般所聽到的版本,大多為小林旭所唱,粗獷滄桑的渾厚嗓音中,將無奈哀怨、滄涼感慨的情境,表達得淋漓盡致。 春時閣樓賞花宴,把酒飲歡意猶存,千年老松萌新枝,昔日光影今何在。秋到陣營滿地霜,屢見飛雁鳴離去,插劍映月光茫照,昔日榮景今何在。今日荒城半夜月,恆久光回是為誰,殘垣斷壁老桂樹,唯獨狂風對松吟。天上明月恆未變,世間榮衰事物遷,至今依舊映照著,荒城夜半的明月。 以下翻譯版本取自2004年遠流出版茂呂美耶著的《物語日本》:- 春日高樓明月夜,盛宴在華堂。杯觥人影相交錯,美酒泛流光。 千年蒼松葉繁茂,弦歌聲悠揚。昔日繁華今何在,故人知何方?秋日戰場布寒霜,衰草映斜陽。雁叫聲聲長空過,暮雲正蒼黃。 雁影劍光相交映,撫劍思茫茫。良辰美景今何在,回首心悲愴!荒城十五明月夜,四野何凄涼。月兒依然舊時月,冷冷予清光。 頹垣斷壁留痕迹,枯藤繞殘牆。松林唯聽風雨急,不聞弦歌響!浩渺太空臨千古,千古此月光。人世枯榮與興亡,瞬息化滄桑。 雲煙過眼朝復暮,殘夢已渺茫。今宵荒城明月光,照我獨彷徨! 由於日本近年大力進行語文改革,現代日本人在用字遣詞與文字讀音上,都與以往大大不同,日本文部省遂在2002年將「荒城之月」從國、高中的音樂課本中刪除,原因是歌詞過於艱澀難懂。 但看「荒城之月」的詞意,其實不也正說明了世事之無常,百年荒城人去樓空,今夕徒留曉風殘月,世代輪迴、四季輾轉間,何不放心釋懷、笑看人間? "La Luna" was originally composed by Anton Dvorak for his 1901 fairytale opera "Rusalka. The "Song to the Moon" concerns Rusalka, a water nymph and her love for a mortal prince. Under the gaze of the full moon, Rusalka leaves her watery home in the lake and decides to live in the sunlit world of her prince; the song tells the tale. This video version of "La Luna" is from Brightman's 2001 tour performance in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. La Luna ~ Sarah BrightmanSongwriters: DP, - / PETERSON, FRANK / FERRAU, CHIARAScende la notte, tranquillitàPiano il buio respiraSolo la luna veglieràCon argento ci copriràDal grande cielo splenderàSolo la luna veglierà The night falls, silenceThe darkness breathes quietlyJust the moon will be awakeIt will cover us with silverIt will shine from the great skyJust the moon will be awake La luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggeràLa luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggerà The moon of the nightWill sweetly protect usThe moon of the nightWill sweetly protect us Scende la notte, e lei è laSu tutto'l cielo lei regnaCon gentilezza lel guarderàIlluminando la seraCon gentilezza lel guarderàIlluminando la sera The night falls, and it is thereIt reigns over the whole skyIt will watch us with kindnessIlluminating the eveningIt will watch us with kindnessIlluminating the evening La luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggeràLa luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggerà The moon of the nightWill sweetly protect usThe moon of the nightWill sweetly protect us Luna non veglieràFuggiràLuna scomparirà The moon will not be awakeIt will fleeThe moon will vanish "Moon River" is a song composed by Johnny Mercer (lyrics) and Henry Mancini (music) in 1961, for whom it won that year's Academy Award for Best Original Song. It was originally sung by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. It became the theme song for Andy Williams, who first recorded it in 1961 and performed it at the Academy Awards ceremonies in 1962. He sang the first eight bars at the beginning of his television show and also named his production company and venue in Branson, Missouri after it. Moon River, main theme from Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) by Audrey Hepburn : Moon River, wider than a mile,I'm crossing you in style some day. Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end--waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me. *** 因很多 youtube 的短片, 限制了不能在 y-blog播放, 或索性到這裡 : - http://annabelling.blogspot.com/2011/09/la-luna.html, 測試過是可播放的。 Moon River by Andy Williams with lyrics : 《但願人長久》是以北宋詞人蘇軾的詞《水調歌頭》為歌詞,在1983年時由梁弘志譜曲,由鄧麗君唱出。 明月幾時有 把酒問青天不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年 我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影 何似在人間 轉朱閣低綺戶照無眠不應有恨何事長向別時圓人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺此事古難全 但願人長久千里共嬋娟 我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影何似在人間 轉朱閣低綺戶照無眠不應有恨何事長向別時圓人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺此事古難全 但願人長久千里共嬋娟 記得那一年在胡志明市的一個公園裡(↑),日頭將盡,天色還未轉暗,抬頭就看到這初昇的新月。 隔晚後乘夜機深宵到港返家(↓),正預備就寢之際,又看到將要在西邊落下的月亮。 當時就想起很應景的這兩句 …「但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」。 中秋佳節,但願人月兩團圓,毋用「千里共嬋娟」,因記掛的人已在身傍。
↓ 「荒城之月」詞碑
↓ 土井晚翠銅像
↓ 瀧廉太郎 (1879~1903)
↓ 大分県竹田市岡城 - 荒城の月紀念碑
春日高樓明月夜,盛宴在華堂。杯觥人影相交錯,美酒泛流光。 千年蒼松葉繁茂,弦歌聲悠揚。昔日繁華今何在,故人知何方?秋日戰場布寒霜,衰草映斜陽。雁叫聲聲長空過,暮雲正蒼黃。 雁影劍光相交映,撫劍思茫茫。良辰美景今何在,回首心悲愴!荒城十五明月夜,四野何凄涼。月兒依然舊時月,冷冷予清光。 頹垣斷壁留痕迹,枯藤繞殘牆。松林唯聽風雨急,不聞弦歌響!浩渺太空臨千古,千古此月光。人世枯榮與興亡,瞬息化滄桑。 雲煙過眼朝復暮,殘夢已渺茫。今宵荒城明月光,照我獨彷徨!
"La Luna" was originally composed by Anton Dvorak for his 1901 fairytale opera "Rusalka. The "Song to the Moon" concerns Rusalka, a water nymph and her love for a mortal prince. Under the gaze of the full moon, Rusalka leaves her watery home in the lake and decides to live in the sunlit world of her prince; the song tells the tale.
This video version of "La Luna" is from Brightman's 2001 tour performance in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
La Luna ~ Sarah BrightmanSongwriters: DP, - / PETERSON, FRANK / FERRAU, CHIARAScende la notte, tranquillitàPiano il buio respiraSolo la luna veglieràCon argento ci copriràDal grande cielo splenderàSolo la luna veglierà The night falls, silenceThe darkness breathes quietlyJust the moon will be awakeIt will cover us with silverIt will shine from the great skyJust the moon will be awake La luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggeràLa luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggerà The moon of the nightWill sweetly protect usThe moon of the nightWill sweetly protect us Scende la notte, e lei è laSu tutto'l cielo lei regnaCon gentilezza lel guarderàIlluminando la seraCon gentilezza lel guarderàIlluminando la sera The night falls, and it is thereIt reigns over the whole skyIt will watch us with kindnessIlluminating the eveningIt will watch us with kindnessIlluminating the evening La luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggeràLa luna della notteDolcemente ci proteggerà The moon of the nightWill sweetly protect usThe moon of the nightWill sweetly protect us Luna non veglieràFuggiràLuna scomparirà The moon will not be awakeIt will fleeThe moon will vanish "Moon River" is a song composed by Johnny Mercer (lyrics) and Henry Mancini (music) in 1961, for whom it won that year's Academy Award for Best Original Song. It was originally sung by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. It became the theme song for Andy Williams, who first recorded it in 1961 and performed it at the Academy Awards ceremonies in 1962. He sang the first eight bars at the beginning of his television show and also named his production company and venue in Branson, Missouri after it. Moon River, main theme from Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) by Audrey Hepburn : Moon River, wider than a mile,I'm crossing you in style some day. Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end--waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me. *** 因很多 youtube 的短片, 限制了不能在 y-blog播放, 或索性到這裡 : - http://annabelling.blogspot.com/2011/09/la-luna.html, 測試過是可播放的。 Moon River by Andy Williams with lyrics : 《但願人長久》是以北宋詞人蘇軾的詞《水調歌頭》為歌詞,在1983年時由梁弘志譜曲,由鄧麗君唱出。 明月幾時有 把酒問青天不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年 我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影 何似在人間 轉朱閣低綺戶照無眠不應有恨何事長向別時圓人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺此事古難全 但願人長久千里共嬋娟 我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影何似在人間 轉朱閣低綺戶照無眠不應有恨何事長向別時圓人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺此事古難全 但願人長久千里共嬋娟 記得那一年在胡志明市的一個公園裡(↑),日頭將盡,天色還未轉暗,抬頭就看到這初昇的新月。 隔晚後乘夜機深宵到港返家(↓),正預備就寢之際,又看到將要在西邊落下的月亮。 當時就想起很應景的這兩句 …「但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」。 中秋佳節,但願人月兩團圓,毋用「千里共嬋娟」,因記掛的人已在身傍。
La Luna ~ Sarah BrightmanSongwriters: DP, - / PETERSON, FRANK / FERRAU, CHIARA
The moon will not be awakeIt will fleeThe moon will vanish
Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end--waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me.
*** 因很多 youtube 的短片, 限制了不能在 y-blog播放, 或索性到這裡 : - http://annabelling.blogspot.com/2011/09/la-luna.html, 測試過是可播放的。
Moon River by Andy Williams with lyrics :
轉朱閣低綺戶照無眠不應有恨何事長向別時圓人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺此事古難全 但願人長久千里共嬋娟
當時就想起很應景的這兩句 …「但願人長久,千里共嬋娟」。