You ask me how I became a madman.
It happened thus: One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen -- the seven masks I have fashioned and worn in seven lives -- I ran maskless through the crowded streets shouting, "Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves."
Men and women laughed at me and some ran to their houses in fear of me.
And when I reached the market place, a youth standing on a house top cried, "He is a madman." I looked up to behold him; the sun kissed my own naked face for the first time. For the first time the sun kissed my own naked face and my soul was inflamed with love for the sun, and I wanted my masks no more. And as if in a trance I cried, "Blessed, blessed are the thieves who stole my masks."
當我跑到市場,一個青年站在屋頂上高喊:"這人是個瘋子" 我擡頭向他望去,此時,陽光第—次吻了我袒露的臉龐。這是第一次,陽光親吻我袒露的面頰,我的靈魂燃起了對太陽的愛意。那些面具我不再需要了。我仿佛在迷離中喊出:"有福了,有福了,那偷去我面具的竊賊們有福了!"
Thus I became a madman.
And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.
But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief.
When my sorrow was born I nursed it with care, and watched over it with loving tenderness.
And my Sorrow grew like all living things, strong and beautiful and full of wondrous delights.
And we loved one another, my Sorrow and I, and we loved the world about us; for Sorrow had a kindly heart and mine was kindly with Sorrow
And when we conversed, my Sorrow and I, our days were winged and our nights were girdled with dreams; for Sorrow had an eloquent tongue, and mine was eloquent with Sorrow.
And when we sang together, my Sorrow and I, our neghbors sat at their windows and listenend; for our songs were deep as the sea and our melodies were full of strange memories.
And when we walked together, my Sorrow and I, people gazed at us with gentle eyes and whispered in words of exceeding sweetness. And there were those who looked with envy upon us, for Sorrow was a noble thing and I was proud with Sorrow.
But my Sorrow died, like all living things, and alone I am left to muse and ponder.
Aw when I speak my words fall heavily upon my ears.
And when I sing my songs my neighbours come not to listen.
And when I walk the streets no one looks at me.
Only in my sleep I hear voices saying in pity, "See, there lies the man whose Sorrow is dead."
And hen my joy was born I held it in my arms and stood on the house-top shouting, "Come ye, my neighbours, come and see, for Joy this day is born unto me. Come and behold this gladsome thing that laugheth in the sun."
But none of my neighbours came to look upon my Joy, and great was my astonishment.
And every day for seven moons I proclaimed my Joy from the house-top -- and yet no one heeded me. And my Joy and I were alone, unsought and unvisited.
Then my Joy grew pale and weary because no other heart but mine held its loveliness and no other lips kissed its lips.
Then my Joy died of isolation.
And now I only remember my dead Joy in remembering my dead Sorrow. But memory is an autumn leaf that murmurs in the wind and then is heard no more
In the ancient days, when the first quiver of speech came to my lips, I ascended the holy mountain and spoke unto God, saying, "Master, I am thy slave. Thy hidden will is my law and I shall obey thee for ever more."
But God made no answer, and like a mighty tempest passed away.
And after a thousand years I ascended the holy mountain and again spoke unto God, saying, "Creator, I am thy creation. Out of clay hast thou fashioned me and to thee I owe mine all."
And God made no answer, but like a thousand swift wings passed away.
And after a thousand years I climbed the holy mountain and spoke unto God again, saying, "Father, I am thy son. In pity and love thou hast given me birth, and through love and worship I shall inherit thy kingdom."
又一千年過去,我爬上聖山,再次對主說道 : "父親,我是袮的兒子。是從袮的慈悲和仁愛而生,我崇拜袮,我熱愛袮,從而我將繼承袮的王權。"
And God made no answer, and like the mist that veils the distant hills he passed away.
And after a thousand years I climbed the sacred mountain and again spoke unto God, saying, "My God, my aim and my fulfilment; I am thy yesterday and thou art my tomorrow. I am thy root in the earth and thou art my flower in the sky, and together we grow before the face of the sun."
又過了一千年,我再次登上聖山,對主說道 : "我主,我的人生目標,我的終極歸宿,我是袮的昨日,你是我的明天,我是袮生在大地上的根,袮是我開在天空中的花朵,我們同在太陽的注視下成長。"
Then God leaned over me, and in my ears whispered words of sweetness, and even as the sea that enfoldeth a brook that runneth down to her, he enfolded me.
And when I descended to the valleys and the plains God was there also.
God of lost souls, thou who art lost amongst the gods, hear me:
Gentle Destiny that watchest over us, mad, wandering spirits, hear me:
I dwell in the midst of a perfect race, I the most imperfect.
I, a human chaos, a nebula of confused elements, I move amongst finished worlds -- peoples of complete laws and pure order, whose thoughts are assorted, whose dreams are arranged, and whose visions are enrolled and registered.
Their virtues, O God, are measured, their sins are weighed, and even the countless things that pass in the dim twilight of neither sin nor virtue are recorded and catalogued.
Here days and nights are divided into seasons of conduct and governed by rules of blameless accuracy.
To eat, to drink, to sleep, to cover one's nudity, and then to be weary in due time.
To work, to play, to sing, to dance, and then to lie still when the clock strikes the hour.
To think thus, to feel thus much, and then to cease thinking and feeling when a certain star rises above yonder horizon.
To rob a neighbour with a smile, to bestow gifts with a graceful wave of the hand, to praise prudently, to blame cautiously, to destroy a soul with a word, to burn a body with a breath, and then to wash the hands when the day's work is done.
To love according to an established order, to entertain one's best self in a pre-conceived manner, to worship the gods becomingly, to intrigue the devils artfully -- and then to forget all as though memory were dead.
To fancy with a motive, to contemplate with consideration, to be happy sweetly, to suffer nobly -- and then to empty the cup so that tomorrow may fill it again.
All these things, O God, are conceived with forethought, born with determination, nursed with exactness, governed by rules, directed by reason, and then slain and buried after a prescribed method. And even their silent graves that lie within the human soul are marked and numbered.
It is a perfect world, a world of consummate excellence, a world of supreme wonders, the ripest fruit in God's garden, the master-thought of the universe.
But why should I be here, O God, I a green seed of unfulfilled passion, a mad tempest that seeketh neither east nor west, a bewildered fragment from a burnt planet?
Why am I here, O God of lost souls, thou who art lost amongst the gods?
My friend, I am not what I seem. Seeming is but a garment I wear -- a care-woven garment that protects me from thy questionings and thee from my negligence.
The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.
I would not have thee believe in what I say nor trust in what I do -- for my words are naught but thy own thoughts in sound and my deeds thy own hopes in action.
When thou sayest, "The wind bloweth eastward," I say, "Aye, it doth blow eastward"; for I would not have thee know that my mind doth not dwell upon the wind but upon the sea.
當你說:"這風是從東方吹來的。" 我應聲道:"是啊,這風確是從東方吹來。'因爲我不想讓你知道我的心靈並非漂蕩於風中而是浮沉于大海裡。
Thou canst not understand my seafaring thoughts, nor would I have thee understand. I would be at sea alone.
When it is day with thee, my friend, it is night with me; yet even then I speak of the noontide that dances upon the hills and of the purple shadow that steals its way across the valley; for thou canst not hear the songs of my darkness nor see my wings beating against the stars -- and I fain would not have thee hear or see. I would be with night alone
When thou ascendest to thy Heaven I descend to my Hell -- even then thou callest to me across the unbridgeable gulf, "My companion, my comrade," and I call back to thee, "My comrade, my companion" -- for I would not have thee see my Hell. The flame would burn thy eyesight and the smoke would crowd thy nostrils. And I love my Hell too well to have thee visit it. I would be in Hell alone.
當你升上你的天堂,我則墜入我的地獄——儘管這時你在不可逾越的深淵那邊呼喚:"我的同伴,我的朋友。"我高聲回應:"我的朋友,我的同伴。"——而我並不想讓你見識我的地獄。那裏熾熱的火焰會灼傷你的雙眼,彌漫的濃煙將 塞你的鼻子。我因深愛我的地獄,而無意讓你來探訪,我只想獨自在地獄中。
Thou lovest Truth and Beauty and Righteousness; and I for thy sake say it is well and seemly to love these things. But in my heart I laugh at thy love. Yet I would not have thee see my laughter. I would laugh alone.
My friend, thou art good and cautious and wise; nay, thou art perfect -- and I, too, speak with thee wisely and cautiously. And yet I am mad. But I mask my madness. I would be mad alone.
My friend, thou art not my friend, but how shall I make thee understand? My path is not thy path, yet together we walk, hand in hand.
我的朋友,你實際並不是我的朋友,但我如何能讓你明白呢? 我走的不是你走的路,儘管你我仍舊相伴同行,手挽著手。
Once I said to a scarecrow, "You must be tired of standing in this lonely field?
And he said, "The joy of scaring is a deep and lasting on, and I never tire of it."
Said I, after a minute of thought, "It is true; for I too have known that joy."
Said he, "Only those who are stuffed with straw can know it."
Then I left him, not knowing whether he had complimented or belittled me.
A year passed, during which the scarecrow turned philosopher.
And when I passed by him again I saw two crows building a nest under his hat.
In the town where I was born lived a woman and her daughter, who walked in their sleep.
One night, while silence enfolded the world, the woman and her daughter, walking, yet asleep, met in their mist-veiled garden.
And the mother spoke, and she said: "At last, at last, my enemy! You by whom my youth was destroyed -- who have built up your life upon the ruins of mine! Would I could kill you!"
And the daughter spoke, and she said: "O hateful woman, selfish and old! Who stand between my freer self and me! Who would have my life an echo of your own faded life! Would you were dead!"
女兒也開口了:"喂,你這令人厭惡自私的老太婆!是你,扼殺了我嚮往自由的本性,你妄想將我年輕的生命成爲你褪色的生命的回聲! 我多麽希望你快去死!"
At that moment a cock crew, and both women awoke. The mother said gently, "Is that you, darling?" And the daughter answered gently, "Yes, dear."


紀伯倫的瘋子是我讀小學時已深深愛上的書, 我讀的那一本是從圖書館借來的, 因身上不會有一分一毫的零錢花!
這本借來的書, 左頁是英文, 右頁是中文翻譯, 相信那個是台灣的譯本, 很有水準, 到現在也印象深刻!
年多前, 從台灣買了一本龍應台的大江大海回來, 因渴望已久, 所以一口氣就將開頭的兩三章讀畢, 然後它就淪為了我房間裡其中一件飾品!
有一天, 無意中看到閑置在一角的它, 忽然很想繼續讀下去, 卻心生疑問, 我究竟讀到那章呢? 幸好有一個年歷咭夾在書中, 看看, 那咭已是上年的, 但好像也太陌生了吧, 可能要從新開始, 因很大可能我亦將讀過的頭兩三篇澈底地忘掉!
現在看書的歷程是, 看了開頭數頁, 眼睛開始疲累, 惟有暫且放下, 明天再繼續, 當明天拾起它, 怎麼又好像是全新的呢, 如是者, 每一天都是在看開頭的兩三頁, 相信若干年後, 我也是在看開頭的兩三頁, 是好事(省錢), 亦或是壞事(腦袋沒進帳)?


紀伯倫的瘋子是我讀小學時已深深愛上的書, 我讀的那一本是從圖書館借來的, 因身上不會有一分一毫的零錢花!
這本借來的書, 左頁是英文, 右頁是中文翻譯, 相信那個是台灣的譯本, 很有水準, 到現在也印象深刻!
年多前, 從台灣買了一本龍應台的大江大海回來, 因渴望已久, 所以一口氣就將開頭的兩三章讀畢, 然後它就淪為了我房間裡其中一件飾品!
有一天, 無意中看到閑置在一角的它, 忽然很想繼續讀下去, 卻心生疑問, 我究竟讀到那章呢? 幸好有一個年歷咭夾在書中, 看看, 那咭已是上年的, 但好像也太陌生了吧, 可能要從新開始, 因很大可能我亦將讀過的頭兩三篇澈底地忘掉!
現在看書的歷程是, 看了開頭數頁, 眼睛開始疲累, 惟有暫且放下, 明天再繼續, 當明天拾起它, 怎麼又好像是全新的呢, 如是者, 每一天都是在看開頭的兩三頁, 相信若干年後, 我也是在看開頭的兩三頁, 是好事(省錢), 亦或是壞事(腦袋沒進帳)?