
Pussy Willows, Cattails


Pussy Willows, Cattails (1968)

Gordon Lightfoot

Pussywillows, cat-tails, soft winds and roses
Rain pools in the woodland, water to my knees
Shivering, quivering, the warm breath of spring
Pussywillows, cat-tails, soft winds and roses

Catbirds and cornfields, daydreams together
Riding on the roadside the dust gets in your eyes
Reveling, disheveling, the summer nights can bring
Pussywillows, cat-tails, soft winds and roses

Slanted rays and colored days, stark blue horizons
Naked limbs and wheatbins, hazy afternoons
Voicing, rejoicing, the wine cups do bring
Pussywillows, cat-tails, soft winds and roses

Harsh nights and candlelights, woodfires a-blazin'
Soft lips and fingertips resting in my soul
Treasuring, remembering, the promise of spring
Pussywillows, cat-tails, soft winds and roses



終於好畀心機欣賞完整出電影 , 個人觀後感 - '未夠火喉'

不過現今敢拍又肯拍這類非商業化電影, 都是有 heart 之人, 是很值得鼓勵及支持的,

而且講到底都要感激這出很爭氣揚威國外的電影, 令永利街得以保留, 又制止到'美麗的天空'被龐然大物所遮擋的發生, 但今鋪就 : '有人歡喜有人愁'囉

, 現實問題, 想不通, 不容你想, 亦不需想!

看電影的那個多小時, 就是可以將現實當中的煩事暫且拋開, 將自己的思維投入光與影的電影世界裡!

