
Love Me Tender

Elvis plays Clint Reno, one of the Reno brothers who stayed home while he brother went to fight in the Civil War for the Confederate army. When his brother Vance comes back from the war, he finds that his old girlfriend Cathy has married Clint. The family has to struggle to reach stability with this issue. Vance is involved in a train robbery, while a Confederate soldier, of Federal Government money. There is a conflict of interest, when Vance tries to return the money, against the wishes of some of his fellow Confederates.

Love me tender

Love me tender,
love me sweet,
never let me go.
You have made my life complete,
and I love you so.

Love me tender,
love me true,
all my dreams fulfilled.
For my darlin' I love you,
and I always will.

Love me tender,
love me long,
take me to your heart.
For it's there that I belong,
and we'll never part.

Love me tender,
love me dear,
tell me you are mine.
I'll be yours through all the years,
till the end of time.

(When at last my dreams come true
Darling this I know
Happiness will follow you
Everywhere you go).

聽聞話近日有個電視廣告, 有一把女聲唱Love Me Tender, 啲人就搵呢首歌嚟聽嘞, 其實呢首歌原唱者係Elvis Presley, 出自佢同名1956年又係佢既第一套戲, 係黑白片嚟既, 講有兩個兄弟, Elvis係做細佬, 大佬去左打仗, 一去幾年, Elvis幫大佬照顧下佢個女朋友咁, 照照吓就愛上左呢個大佬女友嘞, 及後傳嚟消, 大佬戰死, 於是細佬,又加埋亞媽既贊成底下, 娶左呢個女仔做老婆, 過住啲平平靜靜既生活, 有一日, 大佬突然出現, 原本佢係同幾個戰友負責運送一啲有價值既野去某個地方, 於是佢一個人逃走左返嚟, 細佬漸漸發覺响亞女仔心中既愛始終只係向住大佬架咋, 之後兩兄弟就做好多自相殘殺既事情嘞

我最喜歡嗰幕係Elvis坐响道, 自彈自唱呢首Love Me Tender, 然後鏡頭轉去影住佢亞媽, 同佢深愛及唯一所愛既女人, 但係一切已經太遲, 好傷感

忽然間好掛住陳任添, 凡親係有人想點Love Me Tender,佢一定會話好悶呀...跟住扮Elvis把聲唱...(佢扮Elvis唱歌好鬼似, 佢扮亞扁仲似)唱罷佢都係講番嗰句 好悶呀,有冇第二首啫吓”, 陳任2008111日已經返回天家了, 想聽已經冇機會嘞.....

