
From Russia With Love

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE(2004) includes
Russian opera, romantic Russian music and Cossack choirs.

1. From Russia With Love

2. Lara's Theme from the movie Dr. Schiwago 1967

3. Vetscherni Zvon

A man realizes how short life is, how fast time flies by. When he hears the evening bells, he automatically thinks back of the spring of his life. Every sound of the heavy bells reminds him of his youth, the home he grew up in and of so many supposedly forgotten memories. At the same time, he realizes that the bells now announce him the end of his life.

4. Far East Of The Sun

5. Ej Ukhnem


7.Two Guitars

9.Hold Me Once More 3:25

Hold me once more before I have to go
Hold me once more before I must leave you
Please understand there is nothing to hope for
Only this last embrace

No, you are not who I am supposed to be with
But I'm not the same since I've seen your lovely face
I know we are wrong and I should be strong
And go back to where I belong

Please understand there is nothing to hope for
Only this last embrace

Don't shed a tear, let me kiss away your sorrow
Look at all this love, try to hold it in your heart
For hearts without love have nothing to give
And hearts without love cannot live

Hold me once more darling I have to go
Hold me once more before I will leave you
Please make me strong, give me something to live for
Give me this last embrace.

On the notes of "Melody in F" by Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894), Helmut Lotti writes catching lyrics about a heartbreaking because forbidden love : "Embrace me once more, please understand we don't have a future together, let me return to where I belong."

10. Dorogoj Dlinnoju

"Dorogoi dlinnoyu" means "By the long road" This Russian song was written by Boris Fomin (1900–1948) with words by the poet Konstantin Podrevskii. It deals with reminiscence upon youth and romantic idealism. The Georgian Tamara Tsereteli (1900–1968) in 1925 and Alexander Vertinsky in 1926 made what were probably the earliest recordings of the song.
English version - Those Were the Days ~Mary Hopkin 1968

11. Dream Away

12. Lutshje Bulo

13. Moscow nights

14. Poljushko Polje

15. Otschi Tschornije

16. Russian National Hymn